
The seven sacraments of the Church may be described as the “gateways” through which Jesus continues to make his entrance into the world.

His presence and action in the world is not confined to these seven sacraments.  In fact the whole world continues to be a revelation of God’s power and love.

The sacraments do unite us with Christ. They touch all the important stages and all the important moments of the Christian life.

The sacraments are signs, made up of words and gestures that effect what they symbolize.

The sacraments are rooted in the life of Jesus Christ--in his miracles and healings we see the sacraments in action.

Through the sacraments we receive the gift of grace—the very life of God.

Preparation Programmes are in place in St. Brigid’s for Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation facilitated by teams of leaders of all ages.

